The Rucksack Club

Summer Marsden-Edale on 10 June

The vision was a gentle version of our winter event, ambling along in warm sunshine, with plenty of hours of daylight, and noneed to rush. But as the day approached it was clear that the weather gods had other plans. Heavy rain and a stiff SW wind were forecast. But I was committed now, and so were 6 fellow Rucksackers. We travelled by train from Victoria, under dark clouds and steady rain. En route to Marsden Gerry Oliver, always the optimist, remarked that it was brightening up a bit. Someone pointed out that we had just come out of a tunnel. He seemed a bit deflated. Two more joined at Stalybridge, and 7 of us set off from the station at 8 am. The weather deteriorated as we slogged up to Seal Stones. Along the edge path and then just past the head of Blackden Brook, Tim guided us along a nice short cut over Kinder to meet the other edge path, the the descent down to Grinsbrook. The Rambler was gained just before 6 pm. Fish and chips and a pint or two rounded off a good day. (For the full report watch out for the next Meetstaff)

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Wildboar Clough

Successful Scramble Meet in the Dark Peak – 13 May

The first objective was Wildboar Clough. This was green, slippery, and unfriendly, but was ascended without incident. Steve Smith’s photo captures the essence of the day with some of our number in almost Victorian poses. Scrambling in the Peaks is somewhat idiosyncratic, and will never offer the delights and excitement of Scotland, or North Wales, but it certainly adds some spice to a day’s bog trot.

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