A: Wilton Weavers S- Old Man’s Hill, Longworth Moor, Wayoh Resr, Entwistle, Cadshaw; 12.0ml
B: Hayfield, Mount Famine, Brown Knoll; 6.9ml

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19/04/2023 10:00 - 16:00

A: Wilton Weavers S- Old Man's Hill, Longworth Moor, Wayoh Resr, Entwistle, Cadshaw; 12.0ml
Start: Crookfield Rd CP SD665191
Maps: 287 West Pennine Moors
Route: Wilton Weavers Way Sth: Sth / SE to SD 69366 16178, Wly to Dimple SD 70506 15797, NEly to Tuton Hieghts SD 70914 16527, SEly then path NE at SD 71444 16070 to Wilton Way at SD 72188 16433, SElly to wood at SD 72505 15962 before Clough House Fm, NEly / Nly to Arms Road, over railway and tracks / rds to Armsgrove Fm, Wayoh Resr. Over Resr and Nly along resr edge to SD728178. Rejoin Wilton Way, Sly to Strawberry Duck. Edge Lane NWly / Wly to A666 - Bolton Rd at Cadshaw. Rd Sly briefly then path WNW to Smith's Height W past Green Lowe to Higher Pasture Barn, and back to car park.

B: Hayfield, Mount Famine, Brown Knoll; 6.9ml
Start: Bowden Bridge Hayfield, SK048869
Pub: (early doors) Sportsman, Hayfield 044867
Maps: 1:25,000 Dark Peak
Route: Cross river, rd/trk NE/S to 053854, fp SE over Mount Famine to trk. Over South Head (optional) to 062846, where fp E/NE to 081853, SE to top of Brown Knoll (if mud permits!). Return to fp, N to path jn, W via Edale Cross to Stony Ford. Over stile onto upper fp, W/N/W to Tunstead Clough Farm, trk/rd to return to cars.