The Rucksack Club Expedition Grant

The Rucksack Club Expedition Grant

The Rucksack Club is pleased to be able to award an expedition grant of £500 each year to support expeditions by Members and Associate Members under the age of 30. To be eligible, expeditions must involve activities fitting with the Club’s ethos, with preference given to mountaineering trips to destinations outside Europe with an objective that will be challenging or present a step up for the participants.

By accepting a Grant recipients agree to:

  • Acknowledge Rucksack Club support in any reports about the trip
  • Write an article for the RC Journal and allow any accompanying photos to be used on the Club Website and in other Club literature
  • Provide a brief summary of their expedition upon its completion
  • Agree that if the expedition is cancelled that the grant will be returned to the Club in full

The deadline for applications is now 31st January.

Click here for an application form.

When completed please email form to: