Meets Calendar

The Rucksack Club is privileged to have one of the biggest and most varied programme of meets of any British mountaineering club. Our outdoor meets programme has over 50 meets (weekends or longer) throughout the year. We have a regular programme of Wednesday evening climbing – outdoor during the summer months and indoor during winter – and there is a very active Wednesday Walkers group. In the winter months we have a regular mid-week indoor lecture programme from both members and invited national and international speakers. 


Meets Calendar: Hover over any event to see details. Click to open event (then scroll to see more info).
Calendar key

< 2022 >
  • Craigallan Weekend
    All day

    Co-ordinator: Danny Struggles

    Come one, come all for a fun weekend of walking/climbing or whatever tickles
    your fancy in Glencoe! April in Scotland you say? Could be winter, could be summer,
    could be both within the same hour. Therein lies the fun! If you’re lucky it’ll be as on
    the front cover of this issue.
    I shall endeavour to cook a meal for Saturday night.

  • Craigallan Weekend
    All day

    Co-ordinator: Danny Struggles

    Come one, come all for a fun weekend of walking/climbing or whatever tickles
    your fancy in Glencoe! April in Scotland you say? Could be winter, could be summer,
    could be both within the same hour. Therein lies the fun! If you’re lucky it’ll be as on
    the front cover of this issue.
    I shall endeavour to cook a meal for Saturday night.

  • A: Low Bradfield, Wharncliffe Side, Bolsterstone & the Agden Rocher; 13.5ml
    B: Bradfield Reservoirs  9.5mi (easily shortened to 7.1 mi)
    10:00 -16:00

    A: Low Bradfield, Wharncliffe Side, Bolsterstone & the Agden Rocher; 13.5ml
    Start: Kirk Bridge SK263920; The Sands Car Park free
    Pub: Castle Inn, Bolsterstone; Now not open until 15:00
    Maps: Dark Peak E – 110 Sheffield & Huddersfield
    Route AM: Rds/fps/rd Ely/NNEly/E up by Mill Farm, Cliffe House Farm to Convent 284922; fps N/Ely/N to rd 294936; rd/fps/rd Nly by Foldrings, Swinnock Hall to Brightholmlee; fp/A6102/rd/fp ENE/N/WNWly by More Hall Br, (lunch 296959), Hollin Edge Height, Cote House to Bolsterstone, Castle Inn
    Route PM: Rd/fp/rd/fp down Sly by Ewden Village, New Mill Br & up to rd Rocher Fm 271955; rd W, fp up S to Walker Edge, rd W to 261951; fp Sly to Penistone Rd 260942 (tea), fp S/Wly to Rocher Head 257936; fps SE/SW by Bailey Hill to rd 263925, rd/fp ESE/SW back to cars

    B: Bradfield Reservoirs  9.5mi (easily shortened to 7.1 mi)

    Start: Kirk Bridge, Low Bradfield  K261 920

    Pub: (Early doors) Plough Inn, Low Bradfield or Horns, High Bradfield

    Maps: Dark Peak

    Route: trk/fp NE to High Bradfield 266925. Fp W/N/NW to Rocher Head, NE/N to 259950. Rd W to 251951, fp/rd/fp W/SW/SE via Old Booth Farm, to 252937. S to Agden Reservoir, where fp/rd NW/SW to 249929. Here shorter route goes SW along trk to rd, S to Lower Bradfield.

    Longer route:  ontinue on fp to Windy Bank where W to Mortimer Rd 243926. Fp SE/SW across Dale Rd, E/S/SW to Dale Dike Reservoir 241913. Fp SW/E to Blindside Lane, rd/fp NE/E to Lower Bradfield Pub. N to return to cars.

  • New Mills Torrs
  • Welsh Wanderings Continued from Beudy Mawr
    All day

    Co-ordinator: Mike Zeidan

    Please join me for some Welsh wanderings from Beudy. Feel free to come and do
    your own thing or join me on the Ras Pedol Peris classic fell race route
    (around 18 miles/8500ft ascent) with options for route deviation to allow us to start
    from the hut and/or make bad weather shortcuts. Sunday will be a shorter loop. I’ll be
    cooking a meal on the Saturday evening. Please bring your own booze, and let me
    know of your intention to attend (and any dietary requirements) by the Wednesday
    before the weekend.

  • Welsh Wanderings Continued from Beudy Mawr
    All day

    Co-ordinator: Mike Zeidan

    Please join me for some Welsh wanderings from Beudy. Feel free to come and do
    your own thing or join me on the Ras Pedol Peris classic fell race route
    (around 18 miles/8500ft ascent) with options for route deviation to allow us to start
    from the hut and/or make bad weather shortcuts. Sunday will be a shorter loop. I’ll be
    cooking a meal on the Saturday evening. Please bring your own booze, and let me
    know of your intention to attend (and any dietary requirements) by the Wednesday
    before the weekend.

  • A: Eyam, Great Hucklow and Foolow; 9.0ml
    B: Eyam, Bretton and Great Hucklow  7.2 mi
    10:00 -16:00

    A: Eyam, Great Hucklow and Foolow; 9.0ml
    Coordinator: Richard Evans
    Start: Car Parking Eyam behind Public toilets SK216767; (no charge)
    Pub: Miners Arms Eyam; Early Doors
    Maps: White Peak
    Route AM: North to road at 214774, right at junction then left onto footpath at 217773 and north to Stoke Ford (211795)crossing minor road and Trig Point at William Hill. Right at Stoke Ford(morning stop for coffee) to road straight across to Oak Farm passing south of the farm and following paths to Robin Hood Cross 184801. Cross Abney Moor to road at 188786 (lunch stop).
    Route PM: South to road at 187778, then south east by roads and footpath to Foolow (pub Bulls Head), then footpaths east back to Eyam through many stiles.

    B: Eyam, Bretton and Great Hucklow  7.2 mi

    Start: Car Parking Eyam behind Public toilets SK216767 (no charge)

    Pub: Miners Arms Eyam (Early doors)

    Map: White Peak

    Route AM 4.1mi: North to road at 215774, rd E to 217773, fp N to trk at 218779 (nr Sir William Hill), trk/rd W/SW to 195778. Trk/rd W to 182781, trk/rd W/S/W to Gt Hucklow.

    Route PM 3.1mi: Rds/trk/fp/rd  E by Grindlow and  oolow to 193768. Fp/rds Ely to cars.

  • Stoney Middleton
  • Easter Meet Kishorn
    All day

    Coordinator: Alan Winn

    There are still a few places available on the Easter meet staying at the Sanachan
    bunkhouse at Kishorn The club has exclusive use
    of the bunkhouse for the Easter holiday, the cost of which is £74 for four nights. If you
    are interested, please get in touch with me, details as per handbook. The bunkhouse has a refund policy if there are any issues with COVID

  • Easter Meet Kishorn
    All day

    Coordinator: Alan Winn

    There are still a few places available on the Easter meet staying at the Sanachan
    bunkhouse at Kishorn The club has exclusive use
    of the bunkhouse for the Easter holiday, the cost of which is £74 for four nights. If you
    are interested, please get in touch with me, details as per handbook. The bunkhouse has a refund policy if there are any issues with COVID

  • Easter Meet Kishorn
    All day

    Coordinator: Alan Winn

    There are still a few places available on the Easter meet staying at the Sanachan
    bunkhouse at Kishorn The club has exclusive use
    of the bunkhouse for the Easter holiday, the cost of which is £74 for four nights. If you
    are interested, please get in touch with me, details as per handbook. The bunkhouse has a refund policy if there are any issues with COVID

  • Easter Meet Kishorn
    All day

    Coordinator: Alan Winn

    There are still a few places available on the Easter meet staying at the Sanachan
    bunkhouse at Kishorn The club has exclusive use
    of the bunkhouse for the Easter holiday, the cost of which is £74 for four nights. If you
    are interested, please get in touch with me, details as per handbook. The bunkhouse has a refund policy if there are any issues with COVID

  • Easter Meet Kishorn
    All day

    Coordinator: Alan Winn

    There are still a few places available on the Easter meet staying at the Sanachan
    bunkhouse at Kishorn The club has exclusive use
    of the bunkhouse for the Easter holiday, the cost of which is £74 for four nights. If you
    are interested, please get in touch with me, details as per handbook. The bunkhouse has a refund policy if there are any issues with COVID

  • A: Hayfield, Downfall, Seal Edge, Blackden, Edale & Edale Cross; 12.5ml
    B: Hayfield, Sandy Heys, Downfall, 3 Knolls  6.5 mi
    10:00 -16:00

    A: Hayfield, Downfall, Seal Edge, Blackden, Edale & Edale Cross; 12.5ml
    Start: Bowden Bridge Hayfield, SK048869
    Pub: Nag’s Head Inn, Edale ; Warm & welcoming for soaked walkers
    Maps: – 1:25,000: Dark Peak W – 1:50,000: 110 Sheffield & Huddersfield
    Morning Route: (7 mi) NNEly by Kinder Rd to 054879; fp/concession fp ESE to 065875; NE by Cluther Rocks (coffee) to Red Brook & Nly to Downfall; Ely crossing to N Edge just S of Fairbrook, then by Seal Edge to Blackden; SEly short crossing & down by Golden Clough to Grindsbrook Booth (Edale village), Nag’s Head
    Afternoon Route: (5.5 mi) Pennine Way WSW/NW/W to fp junction 081861; fps down WNWly by Harry Moor, Tunstead Clough Fm back to Bowden Bridge

    B: Hayfield, Sandy Heys, Downfall, 3 Knolls  6.5 mi

    Coordinator: Richard Evans

    Start: Bowden Bridge Hayfield SK048869

    Pub: (Early doors) Sportsman SK043867

    Map: Dark Peak

    Route: Rd to Filter House, fp N by Kinder Reservoir to 058887, where R up Sandy Heys, to 070893. SE to Kinder Downfall, S to Red Brook 080880, where R to descend SW via Three Knolls to path junction at 066866. W via Tunstead Clough Farm to 052867, NW on road to cars.


  • Wilton One
    16:00 -22:00

  • Howgills Spring Walking Meet
    All day

    Co-ordinator: David Nightingale

    Saturday 23rd April 2022 Howgill Fells, Cumbria – somewhere a little different!
    The Howgill Fells in Cumbria, lying next to the M6 motorway near Tebay, can
    certainly be described as a ‘hidden gem’ that tens of thousands drive past every year
    without a thought on their way to the Lake District or Scotland. Those who do explore
    the Howgills usually visit Cautley Spout on their western edge, leaving the rest of the
    Howgills to the sheep!
    This walk of around twelve miles will visit the less well known northern
    Bowderdale and Weasdale flank of the Howgills, although I’ve yet to finalise my exact
    We’ll meet at 9.30am in the café at the Junction 38 Truckstop, in Tebay village
    CA10 3SS (just off the M6) for a quick brew before setting off.
    Full details will appear in the Spring 2022 edition of Meetstaff

  • A: Congleton, Astbury, Acker’s Crossing, Mow Cop and Congleton Edge; 10.5ml
    B: Congleton
    10:00 -16:00

    A: Congleton, Astbury, Acker’s Crossing, Mow Cop and Congleton Edge; 10.5ml
    Coordinator: Gerry Oliver
    Start: Padgbury Lane SJ844621
    Pub: Ash Inn, Mow Cop 856568
    Maps: –:25000: 268 Wilmslow, Macclesfield & Congleton 1:50000: 118 Stoke-on-Trent & Macclesfield.
    Route am: Fp SE to Astbury Village 845617. Fp SE to lane 849604 and on to canal 850599. Canal towpath SW to Acker’Crossing 846590. Rd/trk Ely under railway to Wood Farm 852586. Fp/rds Sly to 848575. Fp/steps E/S/E to chapel 855571. Rds Sly to pub.
    Route pm: Rd/fps Nly by Folly and Old Man to radio mast 859576. Fp/rd (Gritstone Trail) to Pot Bank 871592. Fp NE through Willocks Wood 874593 to Nick in th’ill. Rd Nly to876603. Fp NWly to Mossley 868617. Rds N/W to Lamberts Lane 866620, Trk/fp W to Fol Hollow 843620. Fp N to Astbury Mere 846622. Fp(DVW) W across A34 to start.

    B: Congleton
    Coordinator: Debbie Marsh

  • Pots and Pans Quarry
    16:00 -22:00

    Andy Stewart


  • Pembroke Weekend
    All day

    Co-ordinator: Jack Helliwell

    I will be arriving at the campsite in Bosherston on the Thursday night (28th April)
    and staying until the Monday (2nd May), please join for as much or as little as you
    like. The campsite is just down the road from the St Govan’s Inn and very close to the
    Range East crags. Although – given the location – I expect this mainly to attract
    climbers, all are very welcome. I’m hoping to organise a group meal in the pub for
    Saturday evening. Get in touch if you have any questions, and remember, it’s always
    sunny in Pembroke

  • Pembroke Weekend
    All day

    Co-ordinator: Jack Helliwell

    I will be arriving at the campsite in Bosherston on the Thursday night (28th April)
    and staying until the Monday (2nd May), please join for as much or as little as you
    like. The campsite is just down the road from the St Govan’s Inn and very close to the
    Range East crags. Although – given the location – I expect this mainly to attract
    climbers, all are very welcome. I’m hoping to organise a group meal in the pub for
    Saturday evening. Get in touch if you have any questions, and remember, it’s always
    sunny in Pembroke

  • Pembroke Weekend
    All day

    Co-ordinator: Jack Helliwell

    I will be arriving at the campsite in Bosherston on the Thursday night (28th April)
    and staying until the Monday (2nd May), please join for as much or as little as you
    like. The campsite is just down the road from the St Govan’s Inn and very close to the
    Range East crags. Although – given the location – I expect this mainly to attract
    climbers, all are very welcome. I’m hoping to organise a group meal in the pub for
    Saturday evening. Get in touch if you have any questions, and remember, it’s always
    sunny in Pembroke
