The Rucksack Club
The Rucksack Club

Heaters at Beudy – user information

On a couple of occasions in the last month or so, the heaters in the main dorm and in the dining area have been tampered with, rendering them inoperable. In each case, we have had to call out an electrician to repair and replace the damaged parts at a cost of £95. Steve and I are puzzled as to why people need to mess about with the heaters. They are easy to operate – the first press of the ‘BOOST’ button will give 15 minutes heat, the second press 30 minutes, the third 1 hour, the fourth 2 hours. Once set, the timer counts down to zero. A fifth press returns the timer to zero. We will be putting instruction notices by each heater in the hope that we can avoid any further damage and expense.

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The Rucksack Club

Beudy – May Day Bank Holiday weekend

I’ve had a couple of enquiries from BMC clubs wanting to book Beudy for that weekend, one of them exclusively. They seem to be organised well in advance. Although Andy Tomlinson has a Meet at the same time, it is at Craigallan and some people might not be able to ‘get up there’. I’ve spoken to Andy and he has no problem with an ‘alternative’ meet at Beudy. One option is a lads/dads/girls/mums gathering. Is anyone up for organising anything? Other options include Club Members getting off their backsides and doing something at Beudy! If not, I’ll let another somebody else use the hut. Seems a shame though. Yours provocatively, Bill

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The Rucksack Club

Beudy Mawr – advice wanted

Many thanks to all who responded so quickly to the request for advice about the driveway on the left hand side of the hut. We will be looking at your suggestions and recommendations and will hope to come up with a solution that balances the various issues involved, including cost, frequency of use, aesthetics, the National Park and local authority planning. Thanks again. Bill and Steve.

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Beudy Mawr – any advice?

Steve Gregory and I have been looking at how best we can prevent this sort of thing happening at Beudy. Maybe something like a plastic mesh/grid like they have at Stanage Popular end car parking area. Has anybody had any experience of this kind of product, bearing in mind the ground slopes up from the road? Thanks.

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The Rucksack Club

Beudy bookings update

First of all – a very Happy New Year to you all! Here is the current position for the next two months. This coming weekend (13th/14th) sees the return of Gareth Llewellyn’s annual ‘do as you please’ Meet. The forecast looks OK and Gareth will be catering on the Saturday night. Contact him direct to book your places. Beudy is full the following weekend (20th/212st) – Between them, John Warburton and the Gentian Club have booked all the available bunks. Ian Wilson is running his ever popular Mines Meet on the weekend of 27th/28th. Contact Ian if you would like to go. In February, Veterans in Sefton have booked the hut from Monday the 12th to Wednesday the 14th. Penny Collier is running her running Meet on the weekend of 24th/25th – contact Penny if you want to know more. Apart from all that, the hut is at your disposal. If you can, why not do a midweek break and enjoy having the hills and crags to yourselves? You cannot beat coming back to a warm, cosy hut after a good day out and relax with good food, good company and maybe a drink or two! As ever, let Bill[…]

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The Rucksack Club

Beudy bookings update

Just a reminder – Beudy is fully booked this weekend. Dan irons has a group in the following weekend (8th-10th). Other than that, the hut is available right up to Christmas and beyond. Its a nice place to get away from it all! At present, the next booking is Gareth Llewellyn’s Club Meet on 12th – 14th January. Seasons greetings from Bill and Steve!

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The Rucksack Club

Beudy bookings update

Its a reasonably busy November at Beudy. This coming weekend (4/5) Lewis Ashton is running his running meet, although I’m sure Lewis would be happy to welcome you even if running isn’t your thing. Contact Lewis for details. The following weekend (11/12) sees the return of the Powsers MC (a Glossop based club) who enjoyed Beudy so much last year. They have booked 11 spaces so there is room if you want to join them. Audrey Russell’s meet (18/19) is always an enjoyable weekend – contact Audrey if you would like to go. Gary Noble has booked six spaces for the following weekend (25/26) so there is availability. In December, Guildford MC have booked the entire hut for the first weekend (2/3) and intend having their Annual Dinner around the dining room table in front of the logburner – what a good idea! Apart from that, the rest of the month is available. Why not spend the run up to Christmas (or even Christmas itself) away from it all? January is shaping up to be busy. Get your booking in to avoid disappointment! As ever, contact me or Steve Gregory to make a booking.

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