The Rucksack Club
The Rucksack Club

Items Found at High Moss

These were left at High Moss. If you recognise anything or know who it belongs to then get in touch and we will try to unite it with it’s owner. A good quality tan coloured bath towel. An off white ladies cardigan made by Gap. A blue stuff sac. A ladies swimming costume. A pair of black gaiters. A bike track pump made by Fastrax

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The Rucksack Club

Reopening and New Windows at High Moss.

Hi Everyone. As you may already be aware High Moss has been fitted with new windows. They look rather nice and they don’t leak or let draughts in. So hopefully the comfort level will be improved. We are fully operational again and awaiting bookings. The Website has been changed to allow members to easily access the Booking Calendar. You can now see at a glance what the booking situation is.

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The Rucksack Club

High Moss Update

Following the latest Government Covid Updates the restrictions are extended until the 19th of July. There are two weekends available at High Moss for two families or bubbles staying. These are the weekends of the 8th to 12th of July and 15th to 19th. There has to be a forty eight hour separation or “fallow ” period between visits which we will manage with the visitors. Anyone fancy it ?

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