Just a follow up from Mark’s post about organising a meet, if anyone wants to use Beudy Mawr as a base, Steve Gregory and myself are more than happy to help. If you wanted it to be part of the Club’s Outdoor Meets programme, the best place to start is by contacting Helen Pritchard who can best advise on available dates within the programme. Alternatively, if you wanted to dip a toe in the water, just look at the programme to make sure there are no clashes, and then book with me. You can publicise the meet on the website, the Club’s Facebook page and through Meetstaff. Or you can get a few mates together and do it a bit less formally. If you haven’t been to Beudy before, I can ‘walk’ you through the place, although everything is pretty straightforward. You can decide how you want to run things – have a focus (walking, climbing, running, cycling, etc) or not (people do as they please), organise an evening meal (always good fun around the table) or not, invite families (or not, although the last couple of times I’ve been to Beudy there have been kids there and they have added to the experience and it is good to see the next generation enjoying being ‘out there’).
There are some helpful notes in the Club handbook (pages 6 and 7) but I’m only at the end of a internet connection if you wanted to have a chat. I’m sure all my comments will apply equally if you wanted to use High Moss or Craigallan as a base.
I hope to hear from any apprentice meet organisers.