Beudy Mawr – 75th anniversary weekend – 2 to 4 June

The Club acquired Beudy in 1948, initially on a lease at £8 per annum rent. In 2023, £8 will allow a Member to stay in the hut for one night!
To mark the 75th anniversary, the Wardens have decided to postpone the working meet on the weekend of 2 to 4 June and, instead, a weekend of activities and festivities. It is very much a ‘do as you please’ weekend. There will be a Saturday evening anniversary dinner provided by the Wardens and Granville. Apart from that you will need to look after yourselves.
Places are going fast – if you want to come, contact Bill Deakin.

One comment

  1. Beudy Mawr – 75th Anniversary week-end Just to say that Beudy Mawr during the 1960s and 1970s was essential to my mountaineering lifestyle. It was the location and the people that endeared it to me on week-end meets, so I want to wish this anniversary celebration every success. I might be there with you in spirit, but sadly not in body as I no longer travel such distances from home in Scotland.

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